Our Events

  • 12th March 2024

    Preparation for Micromouse + Our Success

    In this article, our upcoming project officer Baset shares his journey with City Robotics Society so far and dives into the preparation for this competition.

  • 13th December 2023

    End of Line 2023 Competition

    On December 13, 2023, we hosted the year’s grandest robotic showdown, attracting a range of enthusiastic participants striving to craft the swiftest robot in design and performance.

  • 3rd November 2023

    IEEE Day Celebration

    On November 3rd, we commemorated the spirit of IEEE members at City, showcasing their collaborative efforts in leveraging technology to shape a brighter future for local communities.

  • 8th November 2023

    Programming Workshops

    Through several workshops, we provided training to the students for the competition.

  • 27th October 2021

    IEEE Launch Day

    The IEEE has officially opened its doors to the students at City, University of London. With the support of the University, we aim to give our students the platform to develop new ideas that will contribute to our community.